Friday, February 20, 2009

Insomniac... Yeah, that be me!

They make Tylenol PM for people that are too bat shit crazy for regular Tylenol. The first step is to admit you have a problem...

"Hi my name is Mrs. Gripe, and I am a NON-SLEEPER!"

Why have I been cursed with this problem? No matter what I do.. I never, ever, get a full nights sleep. I've tried numerous things, But NOTHING seems to work. I've done the "don't drink anything that contains caffeine" suggestion. Did it work.. you ask? NO! I deprived myself of caffeine and still ended up laying there counting the bedroom ceiling tiles. Plus.. any time someone would ask me a question, I ended up snapping at them and looking a lot like this......

I tried the "run yourself ragged" suggestion. I did to MYSELF what I used to have do to my children when they were toddlers. Keep myself busy, busy, busy, all day! Running here and there, trying to break myself down slowly so I'd have no choice but to be sleepy when the time came. I created a consistent bedtime, I read myself a bedtime story and when that failed I took myself out for a midnight drive. The midnight drive worked, but I realized it wasn't such a good idea when I nodded off for a moment only to be awakened by a pair of headlights coming straight for me....

Then there was this suggestion.. "Turn off ALL the lights so it's pitch black, NO T.V... the television is a distraction, you cant be watching T.V. because it will STIMULATE you too much." What the hell do they think I'm watching, Long Dong Silver?? I was against the no T.V. deal, but I was willing to try anything.
So I turn off the television, I shut out every light, and I settle myself into bed.
As I was laying there for two hours I realized something... Did you know that dead silence has a sound?????? It sounds a little like a high pitched ringing or buzzing! Was I hearing the ringing in my ears? Who the hell knows... All I know is that if you would have peeked through my bedroom window that night you would have seen this.......

Even after going through all that, I'm back to square one. I have to take 3 Tylenol PM tablets just to keep myself asleep until around 2:00 AM. Even this has its drawbacks. I noticed that after I take these tablets and they start to kick in, I suddenly get the munchies! What's up with that?? They don't warn you that if you take this medication you could end up gaining 50 lbs in a month or the dangers of chewing on your husbands leg while dreaming of a bucket of KFC.

I don't know what to do anymore. I guess I'll just have to deal with it. If anyone out there has any new suggestions... let me in on them. Otherwise my husband could end up with a wooden leg.


~Thought's By Dena~/ JDs Gift Shack said...

OMG I have so many nights like that it drives me crazy..I either cant get to sleep or I fall right to sleep and then wake up a few hours later and cant get back to sleep I want to wake everyone up and say ok if I cant sleep you dont get to either!!! This isnt a nightly ordeal for me THANK GOODNESS...but when it happens I wanna scream!!!!! I havent figured out how to make it any better on this end so I cant help you out with that but did want to tell ya I feel your pain girl!!!!

Have heard that music can work..not something with words or anything upbeat, just soothing instrumental music...have you tried that???

Anyway hope you get some zzzz's if not we can exchange numbers and talk each other to sleep hehehehe

Rachel said...

I've switched from the tylenol (I comsume an ungodly amount of champagne on a daily basis, and my doctor friend tells me that the combination of the bubbly and the tylenol is a big no no for the liver), and I have started loving Unisom. I, too, must take 3 or 4 of them to get any kind of decent sleep, but I now prefer them to the tylenol.


Dena: I'll try the soothing music and see if that works. If not.. you and I may talking on the phone quite a bit!! Hahahaha!

Rachel: LMAO on the champagne and Tylenol don't mix... love it! I am guilty of taking the Tylenol with a Rum and coke on occasion, but not often. I'll have to try the Unisom.. maybe it'll work better for me!

blognut said...

You can call me at 3am CST. That's what time I wake up every night.


blognut: Hahaha! It's good to know I'm not alone. We may need to set up a party line, insomnia seems to be an ongoing trend here in bloggerland!